
Congratulations on the listing of our company

Article source:綜合部Time: 2017/4/23?Browse times:

Hunan oil pump Limited by Share Ltd officially listed

Stock referred to as "Xiang oil pump", the stock code is"603319""


At 9:30 on November 30, 2016, Mr. Zhou Nong, Secretary of the CPC Hengyang Municipal Committee and director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and Mr. Xu Zhongqiu, chairman, sounded the big gong listed in the hall of the Shanghai stock exchange.  Hunan oil pump Limited by Share Ltd officially listed on the Shanghai stock exchange. Stock referred to as "Xiang oil pump", the stock code "603319"". Hengyang, Hengdong County Leading Cadres representatives, the company's major senior management personnel, staff representatives and so on, a total of more than 130 people attended the listing ceremony.

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